About Our Pastors
Owen Z. Martin
Paulalee Martin
First Lady / Pastor
Under the auspices of our Bishop Owen Z. Martin, Life Worship Center COGOP is proud to unveil our vision for the ministry. In a leaders meeting November 3rd 2004, Bishop Owen Z. Martin laid the foundation for this vision entitled, "Without Boundaries." According to Bishop Owen Martin, "there is no limit to what God wants to do in and through our lives." For this reason, he stressed the importance of us as a church to, "Build lasting relationships by connecting with people everywhere and to reap an harvest of lost souls to the Kingdom of God. The Bishop also encouraged us to keep in mind that the weapon of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds. "(2Cor. 10.4) Bishop Owen Z. Martin then went on by urging the need for reconciliation to take it's course. He encouraged the leaders to reconcile their differences and allow the spirit of the Lord to work endlessly among us.